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The Power of Movement: Habit, Novelty, and Effectiveness


Updated: 19 hours ago

Movement is a fundamental aspect of life, yet our approach to it varies widely. Some thrive on high-intensity workouts, others seek fresh air and natural landscapes, while many prioritize intentional, breath-focused movements. Regardless of the method, a movement practice makes us feel better, move better and live fuller. This raises an essential question: What makes movement effective?

This blog explores movement as both a habitual process and a novel, brain-stimulating practice, diving into concepts such as biomechanics, brain mapping, and the benefits of challenging movement patterns.


The Unconscious Nature of Movement

Imagine you're in a yoga class, transitioning from 'Adhomukhasvanasana' (Downward-Facing Dog) into a Lunge position. The instructor cues, "Step your right leg forward between your palms", a commonly repeated movement in most Yogasana and functional movement classes. You anticipate a smooth movement and a seamless landing of your right foot, but as you step forward, your foot lands short of its target.

Now, picture another scenario: you're leaving a store, carrying heavy shopping bags in one hand and your phone, keys, and wallet in the other. As you walk towards your car, the bags weighing you on one side slows you down, altering your usual gait and speed.

At first glance, these situations seem unrelated. However, both illustrate how movement is guided both by the external stimuli's (the cue to step forward and the weight of the grocery bags) and our inherent learnt patterns of movement. Our bodies adapt to challenges based on experience and learnt behaviors. It shapes movement in response to habitual use, environment, and external influences.

The Role of Environment in Movement Patterns

At a young age, learning often happens through mirroring. We mirror those around us—think of a baby mimicking their grandparent’s hunched posture. The act of mimicking informs our movement, which are further reinforced in other activities, sports, and daily routines. Over time, these patterns become ingrained, sometimes leading to inefficiencies (think of rounded or hunched shoulders) or limitations (tight hips or hamstrings).

For example, prolonged sitting can make it difficult to sit cross-legged later in life, as our bodies adapt to the posture we maintain most often. Our nervous system reinforces these patterns, making them more automatic over time. The process of creating and reinforcing patterns is not a fast one, it is something that takes years, unlearning these patterns is also a slow process albeit rewarding in the long run.

Interrupting and Refining Movement

While movement is often automatic, breaking habitual patterns requires conscious intervention. Consider reaching for an item on a high shelf—bringing awareness to the movement (thinking about arm positioning before reaching) can improve efficiency and prevent strain.

Moments that pull us out of autopilot, such as an unexpected fall or a new physical challenge, highlight gaps in our movement repertoire. We learn to adapt to unfamiliar movements and retrain habits through neuroplasticity—the brain’s ability to reorganize and form new neural connections in response to novelty or challenge.

Brain Mapping and Movement Efficiency

Brain mapping is a term often used by physical therapists that refers to the neural pathways that correspond to the brain-muscle and muscle-brain connection, which guide movement execution. Strengthening these pathways through intentional movement enhances efficiency and adaptability.

For example, an efficient motor pattern can be as simple as maintaining a neutral position while sitting at a laptop—keeping the head and neck aligned to prevent forward head posture or rounded shoulders. Developing awareness of these patterns helps improve movement quality and reduce strain over time.

Enhancing Movement Effectiveness

To improve movement efficiency, consider these key principles:

  • Biomechanics Awareness – Understanding how the body responds to external forces enhances technique and efficiency. Every movement involves a sequence of actions, choices, and patterns. Awareness of these mechanics helps optimize performance and reduce strain.

  • Intentional Practice – Focusing on movement patterns helps prevent inefficiencies and reduces the risk of injury. Incorporating a movement practice into your daily routine can reinforce good posture, teach you how to find a neutral position, and enhance body awareness. Practicing with purpose leads to better control, precision, and long-term improvement.

    One effective approach is the LYT Method, a physical therapy-based yoga practice designed by Lara Heimann, a physical therapist. This method emphasizes intentional movement, helping to refine motor patterns and build strength while improving overall posture and mobility.

  • Novelty and Challenge – Engaging in new activities stimulates the brain and body, enhancing adaptability and motor learning. Varying movements prevents stagnation and builds resilience.

Movement is more than a physical act—it’s an evolving relationship between the brain, body, and environment. By understanding movement as both habitual and adaptable, we can refine our patterns, enhance efficiency, and ultimately move better in everyday life.



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17 hours ago
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Love how the author has articulated the relationship between movement, environment and learnt behaviours! The article is a good reminder that movement and exercise isn’t just about getting fitter, but it also boils down to basic day-to-day activities.


17 hours ago
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

An inspiring read on the dynamic connection between mind, body, and surroundings - both insightful and truly thought-provoking.


19 hours ago
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

This is a wonderfully written piece on movement. I'm going to take inspiration from this blog post and try to be aware of my posture and movement during my day to day activities.

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